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Erasmus at the Technische Universität Dresden

Here you can find some important information for your ERASMUS-students, who are interested in studying at the Department of communication at the Technische Universität Dresden in Germany.

1. Seven Reasons to stay at our university (short movie):  http://tu-dresden.de/service/multimedia/filme/7gruende.html?set_language=en

2. The homepage of our Department of Communication: http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/philosophische_fakultaet/ikw?set_language=de&cl=de

3. General information for Erasmus students (German language classes, important dates in the academic calendar, application forms): http://tu-dresden.de/internationales/auslstud/application/part_time_studies/index_html/document_view?cl=en

4. Online application and its deadlines
Please recognize that you have to register under http://tu-dresden.de/internationales/auslstud/application/part_time_studies/Application

Please note the deadlines: Summer Semester until January, 15 and Winter Semester until July, 15.

5. Plan of studies/Learning Agreement (enclosed).
In order to plan your curriculum, please contact Susan Schenk as the Erasmus Coordinator of our department.

6. If you are interested in one of the student apartments, you can get important information here: http://www.studentenwerk-dresden.de/wohnen/

7. Meet and greet with other Erasmus students: http://www.esn-dresden.de/

Créé le 2 août 2010